(This is a now page, and if you have your own site, you should make one too.)
Updated November 11th, 2022, from my home in Munich.
I'm happy to see the progress over the last few weeks! As you may know, 90% of a machine learning project is about preparing and cleaning the data, and I'm right on top of that. I'm trying to create some structure so it doesn't all fall apart, plot the data to see if it all makes sense (always remember the data that looked like a dinosaur), and make a few adjustments here and there. Kudos to my supervisor in the department for taking so much time with me!
After a half year break, I finally got serious about bouldering again. The first step was to buy myself a new pair of shoes, since the old ones really fell apart. And what can I say, it's going fantastic! Last week I managed to climb a 6b, almost reaching my old level from before the break.
Being able to play River Flows in You fluently for years I thought about also learning more of Yiruma’s songs such as Kiss The Rain, Joy, Poem+, or May Be. So I just started with Kiss The Rain this evening. In the beginning, it wasn't so easy to start reading music again after years of not doing it (we almost always played by ear), but we are getting there. In parallel, trying to get River Flows in You to perfection.
This is how it is going so far (2022_11_10):
I'm only like 5 months away from finishing my master's degree at the TU Munich and I'm still not sure which direction I want to go after that. Remember when you were a little kid standing in front of the candy shelf and couldn't decide what to take? That's me right now!