<aside> ℹī¸ A collection of (mostly) free and high quality resources for getting started in the field of Machine Learning. It is the first collection of its kind that combines courses, books, blogs, movies and many more into one single collection and has already helped more than 25k users worldwide! In case you have any question, remark, idea, please feel free to reach out on Twitter. Note that I am not responsible for any of the content of the shared links.


<aside> ❤ī¸ Special thanks to the many authors of these great free resources! If you like them, consider showing the author some appreciation by buying a hard-copy. As an Amazon affiliate I earn from qualified sales. Another way to support me is by heading over to buymeacoffee.


1) Resources - Single Pieces of Educational Content

To view the full table of resources that is also searchable, see the dropdown below. Also use this to check out the latest added material.



🧮 (Mathematical) Foundations


🤖 Machine Learning Specializations

Untitled Database

🛠ī¸ Applied Machine Learning

Untitled Database

📊 Data Science

Untitled Database

🐍 Python

đŸ’ģ Software Development

☎ī¸ Social Aspects

Untitled Database

2) Channels - Sites that Regularly Publish ML Content



3) Roadmaps - Guided Learning Paths


4) State of AI - Current Status of Research and Industry

Current State of AI

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